Source code for rhasspyhermes.dialogue

"""Messages for the Hermes dialogue manager."""
import typing
from import Mapping
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum

from dataclasses_json import DataClassJsonMixin, LetterCase, dataclass_json
from dataclasses_json.core import Json

from .base import Message

[docs]class DialogueActionType(str, Enum): """Type of session init objects.""" ACTION = "action" """Use this type when you need the user to respond.""" NOTIFICATION = "notification" """Use this type when you only want to inform the user of something without expecting a response."""
[docs]@dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL) @dataclass class DialogueAction(DataClassJsonMixin): """Dialogue session action.""" can_be_enqueued: bool """If true, the session will start when there is no pending one on this site. Otherwise, the session is just dropped if there is running one.""" type: DialogueActionType = DialogueActionType.ACTION """This value is always :class:`DialogueActionType.ACTION`.""" text: typing.Optional[str] = None """Text that the TTS should say at the beginning of the session.""" intent_filter: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None """A list of intents names to restrict the NLU resolution on the first query.""" send_intent_not_recognized: bool = False """Indicates whether the dialogue manager should handle non-recognized intents by itself or send them for the client to handle."""
[docs]@dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL) @dataclass class DialogueNotification(DataClassJsonMixin): """Dialogue session notification.""" text: str """Text the TTS should say.""" type: DialogueActionType = DialogueActionType.NOTIFICATION """This value is always :class:`DialogueActionType.NOTIFICATION`."""
[docs]class DialogueSessionTerminationReason(str, Enum): """The reason why the session was ended.""" NOMINAL = "nominal" """The session ended as expected (a :class:`DialogueEndSession` message was received).""" ABORTED_BY_USER = "abortedByUser" """The session was aborted by the user.""" INTENT_NOT_RECOGNIZED = "intentNotRecognized" """The session ended because no intent was successfully detected.""" TIMEOUT = "timeout" """The session timed out because there was no response from one of the components or no :class:`DialogueContinueSession` or :class:`DialogueEndSession` message in a timely manner.""" ERROR = "error" """The session failed with an error."""
[docs]@dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL) @dataclass class DialogueSessionTermination: """Dialogue session termination type.""" reason: DialogueSessionTerminationReason """The reason why the session was ended."""
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]@dataclass class DialogueStartSession(Message): """Start a dialogue session. You can send this message to programmatically initiate a new session. The Dialogue Manager will start the session by asking the TTS to say the text (if any) and wait for the answer of the user. .. admonition:: MQTT message Topic ``hermes/dialogueManager/startSession`` Payload (JSON) .. list-table:: :widths: 10 10 80 :header-rows: 1 * - Key - Type - Description * - siteId - String - The id of the site where to start the session. * - init - JSON object - Session initialization description. * - customData - String (optional) - Additional information that can be provided by the handler. Each message related to the new session - sent by the Dialogue Manager - will contain this data. * - lang - String (optional) - Language of the session. Publish this message type with ``mosquitto_pub``: .. code-block:: shell mosquitto_pub -h <HOSTNAME> -t 'hermes/dialogueManager/startSession' -m '{"siteId": "livingroom", "init": {"type": "notification", "text": "Ready"}, "lang": "en"}' Example ------- >>> from rhasspyhermes.dialogue import DialogueStartSession, DialogueNotification >>> start_session = DialogueStartSession(init=DialogueNotification(text="Ready"), site_id="livingroom", lang="en") >>> start_session DialogueStartSession(init=DialogueNotification(text='Ready', type=<DialogueActionType.NOTIFICATION: 'notification'>), site_id='livingroom', custom_data=None, lang='en') >>> start_session.payload() '{"init": {"text": "Ready", "type": "notification"}, "siteId": "livingroom", "customData": null, "lang": "en"}' """ init: typing.Union[DialogueAction, DialogueNotification] """Session initialization description.""" site_id: str = "default" """The id of the site where to start the session.""" custom_data: typing.Optional[str] = None """Additional information that can be provided by the handler. Each message related to the new session - sent by the Dialogue Manager - will contain this data.""" lang: typing.Optional[str] = None """Language of the session. Note ---- This is a Rhasspy-only attribute. """ # pylint: disable=W0221,W0237 @classmethod def from_dict( cls: typing.Type["DialogueStartSession"], message_dict: Json, *, infer_missing=False ) -> "DialogueStartSession": assert isinstance(message_dict, Mapping) init = message_dict.pop("init") if init["type"] == DialogueActionType.NOTIFICATION: message_dict["init"] = DialogueNotification.from_dict(init) else: message_dict["init"] = DialogueAction.from_dict(init) return super(DialogueStartSession, cls).from_dict( message_dict, infer_missing=infer_missing )
[docs] @classmethod def topic(cls, **kwargs) -> str: """Get MQTT topic for this message type. Returns ------- str ``"hermes/dialogueManager/startSession"`` """ return "hermes/dialogueManager/startSession"
[docs]@dataclass class DialogueSessionQueued(Message): """Sent by the dialogue manager when it receives a :class:`DialogueStartSession` message and the site where the interaction should take place is busy. When the site is free again, the session will be started. Only :class:`DialogueStartSession` messages with an ``init`` attribute of the following type can be enqueued: - :class:`DialogueNotification` - :class:`DialogueAction` with the attribute ``canBeEnqueued`` set to ``True``. .. admonition:: MQTT message Topic ``hermes/dialogueManager/sessionQueued`` Payload (JSON) .. list-table:: :widths: 10 10 80 :header-rows: 1 * - Key - Type - Description * - sessionId - String - The id of the session that was enqueued. * - siteId - String - The id of the site where the user interaction will take place. * - customData - String (optional) - Custom data provided in the :class:`DialogueStartSession` message. Subscribe to this message type with ``mosquitto_sub``: .. code-block:: shell mosquitto_sub -h <HOSTNAME> -v -t 'hermes/dialogueManager/sessionQueued' """ session_id: str """The id of the session that was enqueued.""" site_id: str = "default" """The id of the site where the user interaction will take place.""" custom_data: typing.Optional[str] = None """Custom data provided in the :class:`DialogueStartSession` message."""
[docs] @classmethod def topic(cls, **kwargs) -> str: """Get MQTT topic for this message type. Returns ------- str ``"hermes/dialogueManager/sessionQueued"`` """ return "hermes/dialogueManager/sessionQueued"
[docs]@dataclass class DialogueSessionStarted(Message): """Sent when a dialogue session has been started. .. admonition:: MQTT message Topic ``hermes/dialogueManager/sessionStarted`` Payload (JSON) .. list-table:: :widths: 10 10 80 :header-rows: 1 * - Key - Type - Description * - sessionId - String - The id of the session that was started. * - siteId - String - The id of the site where the user interaction is taking place. * - customData - String (optional) - Custom data provided in the :class:`DialogueStartSession` message. * - lang - String (optional) - Language of the session. Subscribe to this message type with ``mosquitto_sub``: .. code-block:: shell mosquitto_sub -h <HOSTNAME> -v -t 'hermes/dialogueManager/sessionStarted' """ session_id: str """The id of the session that was started.""" site_id: str = "default" """The id of the site where the user interaction is taking place.""" custom_data: typing.Optional[str] = None """Custom data provided in the :class:`DialogueStartSession` message.""" lang: typing.Optional[str] = None """Language of the session. Note ---- This is a Rhasspy-only attribute. """
[docs] @classmethod def topic(cls, **kwargs) -> str: """Get MQTT topic for this message type. Returns ------- str ``"hermes/dialogueManager/sessionStarted"`` """ return "hermes/dialogueManager/sessionStarted"
[docs]@dataclass class DialogueContinueSession(Message): """Sent when a dialogue session should be continued. You should send this message after receiving a :class:`rhasspyhermes.nlu.NluIntent` message if you want to continue the session. This can be used for example to ask additional information to the user. Make sure to use the same ``sessionId`` as the original :class:`rhasspyhermes.nlu.NluIntent` message. .. admonition:: MQTT message Topic ``hermes/dialogueManager/continueSession`` Payload (JSON) .. list-table:: :widths: 10 10 80 :header-rows: 1 * - Key - Type - Description * - sessionId - String - The id of the session to continue. * - customData - String (optional) - An update to the session's custom data. If not provided, the custom data will stay the same. * - text - String (optional) - The text the TTS should say to start this additional request of the session. * - intentFilter - List of Strings (optional) - A list of intent names to restrict the NLU resolution on the answer of this query. * - sendIntentNotRecognized - Boolean - Indicates whether the dialogue manager should handle non recognized intents by itself or send them for the client to handle. * - slot - String (optional) - Unused. * - lang - String (optional) - Language of the session. Leave empty to use setting from start of session. Publish this message type with ``mosquitto_pub``: .. code-block:: shell mosquitto_pub -h <HOSTNAME> -t 'hermes/dialogueManager/continueSession' -m '{"sessionId": "foobar", "customData": null, "text": "Are you sure?", "intentFilter": null, "sendIntentNotRecognized": false, "slot": null, "lang": null}' Example ------- >>> from rhasspyhermes.dialogue import DialogueContinueSession >>> session = DialogueContinueSession(session_id="foobar", text="Are you sure?") >>> session DialogueContinueSession(session_id='foobar', custom_data=None, text='Are you sure?', intent_filter=None, send_intent_not_recognized=False, slot=None, lang=None) >>> session.payload() '{"sessionId": "foobar", "customData": null, "text": "Are you sure?", "intentFilter": null, "sendIntentNotRecognized": false, "slot": null, "lang": null}' """ session_id: str """The id of the session to continue.""" custom_data: typing.Optional[str] = None """An update to the session's custom data. If not provided, the custom data will stay the same.""" text: typing.Optional[str] = None """The text the TTS should say to start this additional request of the session.""" intent_filter: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None """A list of intent names to restrict the NLU resolution on the answer of this query.""" send_intent_not_recognized: bool = False """Indicates whether the dialogue manager should handle non recognized intents by itself or send them for the client to handle.""" slot: typing.Optional[str] = None """Unused.""" # ------------ # Rhasspy only # ------------ lang: typing.Optional[str] = None """Language of the session. Leave empty to use setting from start of session. Note ---- This is a Rhasspy-only attribute. """
[docs] @classmethod def topic(cls, **kwargs) -> str: """Get MQTT topic for this message type. Returns ------- str ``"hermes/dialogueManager/continueSession"`` """ return "hermes/dialogueManager/continueSession"
[docs]@dataclass class DialogueEndSession(Message): """Sent when a dialogue session should be ended. You should send this message after receiving a :class:`rhasspyhermes.nlu.NluIntent` message if you want to end the session. Make sure to use the same ``sessionId`` as the original :class:`rhasspyhermes.nlu.NluIntent` message. .. admonition:: MQTT message Topic ``hermes/dialogueManager/continueSession`` Payload (JSON) .. list-table:: :widths: 10 10 80 :header-rows: 1 * - Key - Type - Description * - sessionId - String - The id of the session to continue. * - customData - String (optional) - An update to the session's custom data. If not provided, the custom data will stay the same. * - text - String (optional) - The text the TTS should say to end the session. Publish this message type with ``mosquitto_pub``: .. code-block:: shell mosquitto_pub -h <HOSTNAME> -t 'hermes/dialogueManager/endSession' -m '{"sessionId": "foobar", "customData": null, "text": "OK, turning off the light"}' Example ------- >>> from rhasspyhermes.dialogue import DialogueEndSession >>> session = DialogueEndSession(session_id="foobar", text="OK, turning off the light") >>> session DialogueEndSession(session_id='foobar', text='OK, turning off the light', custom_data=None) >>> session.payload() '{"sessionId": "foobar", "text": "OK, turning off the light", "customData": null}' """ session_id: str """The id of the session to end.""" text: typing.Optional[str] = None """The text the TTS should say to end the session.""" custom_data: typing.Optional[str] = None """An update to the session's custom data. If not provided, the custom data will stay the same."""
[docs] @classmethod def topic(cls, **kwargs) -> str: """Get MQTT topic for this message type. Returns ------- str ``"hermes/dialogueManager/endSession"`` """ return "hermes/dialogueManager/endSession"
[docs]@dataclass class DialogueSessionEnded(Message): """Sent when a dialogue session has ended. .. admonition:: MQTT message Topic ``hermes/dialogueManager/sessionEnded`` Payload (JSON) .. list-table:: :widths: 10 10 80 :header-rows: 1 * - Key - Type - Description * - termination - JSON Object - Structured description of why the session has been ended. See :class:`DialogueSessionTerminationReason` for the possible values. * - sessionId - String - The id of the ended session. * - siteId - String - The id of the site where the user interaction took place. * - customData - String (optional) - Custom data provided in the :class:`DialogueStartSession`, :class:`DialogueContinueSession` or :class:`DialogueEndSession` messages. Subscribe to this message type with ``mosquitto_sub``: .. code-block:: shell mosquitto_sub -h <HOSTNAME> -v -t 'hermes/dialogueManager/sessionEnded' """ termination: DialogueSessionTermination """Structured description of why the session has been ended.""" session_id: str """The id of the ended session.""" site_id: str = "default" """The id of the site where the user interaction took place.""" custom_data: typing.Optional[str] = None """Custom data provided in the :class:`DialogueStartSession`, :class:`DialogueContinueSession` or :class:`DialogueEndSession` messages."""
[docs] @classmethod def topic(cls, **kwargs) -> str: """Get MQTT topic for this message type. Returns ------- str ``"hermes/dialogueManager/sessionEnded"`` """ return "hermes/dialogueManager/sessionEnded"
[docs]@dataclass class DialogueIntentNotRecognized(Message): """Intent not recognized. Only sent when ``send_intent_not_recognized`` is ``True``. .. admonition:: MQTT message Topic ``hermes/dialogueManager/intentNotRecognized`` Payload (JSON) .. list-table:: :widths: 10 10 80 :header-rows: 1 * - Key - Type - Description * - sessionId - String - The id of the session that generated this event. * - siteId - String - The id of the site where the user interaction took place. * - input - String (optional) - The NLU input that generated this event. * - customData - String (optional) - Custom data provided in the :class:`DialogueStartSession` or :class:`DialogueContinueSession` messages. Subscribe to this message type with ``mosquitto_sub``: .. code-block:: shell mosquitto_sub -h <HOSTNAME> -v -t 'hermes/dialogueManager/intentNotRecognized' """ session_id: str """The id of the session that generated this event.""" site_id: str = "default" """The id of the site where the user interaction took place.""" input: typing.Optional[str] = None """The NLU input that generated this event.""" custom_data: typing.Optional[str] = None """Custom data provided in the :class:`DialogueStartSession` or :class:`DialogueContinueSession` messages."""
[docs] @classmethod def topic(cls, **kwargs) -> str: """Get MQTT topic for this message type. Returns ------- str ``"hermes/dialogueManager/intentNotRecognized"`` """ return "hermes/dialogueManager/intentNotRecognized"
[docs]@dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL) @dataclass class DialogueConfigureIntent: """Enable/disable a specific intent in a :class:`DialogueConfigure` message.""" intent_id: str """Name of the intent to enable/disable.""" enable: bool """``True`` if the intent should be enabled."""
[docs]@dataclass class DialogueConfigure(Message): """Enable/disable specific intents for future dialogue sessions. If an intent is enabled, the :class:`rhasspyhermes.nlu.NluIntent` message is triggered when the intent is detected. Rhasspy enables all intents by default unless specified otherwise. .. admonition:: MQTT message Topic ``hermes/dialogueManager/configure`` Payload (JSON) .. list-table:: :widths: 10 10 80 :header-rows: 1 * - Key - Type - Description * - intents - List of JSON Objects - The list of intents and whether to enable/disable them. * - siteId - String - The id of the site to configure. Publish this message type with ``mosquitto_pub``: .. code-block:: shell mosquitto_pub -h <HOSTNAME> -t 'hermes/dialogueManager/configure' -m '{"intents": [{"intentId": "GetTime", "enable": true}, {"intentId": "GetTemperature", "enable": false}], "siteId": "livingroom"}' Example ------- >>> from rhasspyhermes.dialogue import DialogueConfigureIntent, DialogueConfigure >>> configure = DialogueConfigure([DialogueConfigureIntent("GetTime", True), DialogueConfigureIntent("GetTemperature", False)], "livingroom") >>> configure DialogueConfigure(intents=[DialogueConfigureIntent(intent_id='GetTime', enable=True), DialogueConfigureIntent(intent_id='GetTemperature', enable=False)], site_id='livingroom') >>> configure.payload() '{"intents": [{"intentId": "GetTime", "enable": true}, {"intentId": "GetTemperature", "enable": false}], "siteId": "livingroom"}' """ intents: typing.List[DialogueConfigureIntent] """The list of intents and whether to enable/disable them.""" site_id: str = "default" """The id of the site to configure."""
[docs] @classmethod def topic(cls, **kwargs) -> str: """Get MQTT topic for this message type. Returns ------- str ``"hermes/dialogueManager/configure"`` """ return "hermes/dialogueManager/configure"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Rhasspy-Only Messages # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]@dataclass class DialogueError(Message): """This message is published by the dialogue manager component if an error has occurred. .. admonition:: MQTT message Topic ``hermes/error/dialogueManager`` Payload (JSON) .. list-table:: :widths: 10 10 80 :header-rows: 1 * - Key - Type - Description * - error - String - A description of the error that occurred. * - siteId - String - The id of the site where the error occurred. * - context - String (optional) - Additional information on the context in which the error occurred. * - sessionId - String (optional) - The id of the session, if there is an active session. Subscribe to this message type with ``mosquitto_sub``: .. code-block:: shell mosquitto_sub -h <HOSTNAME> -v -t 'hermes/error/dialogueManager' Example ------- >>> from rhasspyhermes.dialogue import DialogueError >>> dialogue_error = DialogueError(error="Unexpected error") >>> dialogue_error.topic() 'hermes/error/dialogueManager' >>> dialogue_error.payload() '{"error": "Unexpected error", "siteId": "default", "context": null, "sessionId": null}' Note ---- This is a Rhasspy-only message. """ error: str """A description of the error that occurred.""" site_id: str = "default" """The id of the site where the error occurred.""" context: typing.Optional[str] = None """Additional information on the context in which the error occurred.""" session_id: typing.Optional[str] = None """The id of the session, if there is an active session."""
[docs] @classmethod def topic(cls, **kwargs) -> str: """Get MQTT topic for this message type. Returns ------- str ``"hermes/error/dialogueManager"`` """ return "hermes/error/dialogueManager"