Source code for rhasspyhermes.train

"""Rhasspy-only messages for intent training."""
import re
from dataclasses import dataclass

from .base import Message

[docs]@dataclass class IntentGraphRequest(Message): """Request publication of intent graph from training. .. admonition:: MQTT message Topic ``rhasspy/train/getIntentGraph`` Payload (JSON) .. list-table:: :widths: 10 10 80 :header-rows: 1 * - Key - Type - Description * - id - String - Unique id for request. Appended to reply topic (:class:`IntentGraph`). * - siteId - String - The id of the site where training occurred. Defaults to ``"default"``. Publish this message type with ``mosquitto_pub``: .. code-block:: shell mosquitto_pub -h <HOSTNAME> -t 'rhasspy/train/getIntentGraph' -m '{"id": "abcd", "siteId": "default"}' Example ------- >>> from rhasspyhermes.train import IntentGraphRequest >>> request = IntentGraphRequest(id='abcd') >>> request.payload() '{"id": "abcd", "siteId": "default"}' >>> request.topic() 'rhasspy/train/getIntentGraph' Note ---- This is a Rhasspy-only message.""" id: str """Unique id for request. Appended to reply topic (:class:`IntentGraph`).""" site_id: str = "default" """The id of the site where training occurred."""
[docs] @classmethod def topic(cls, **kwargs) -> str: """Get MQTT topic for this message type. Returns ------- str ``"rhasspy/train/getIntentGraph"`` """ return "rhasspy/train/getIntentGraph"
[docs]@dataclass class IntentGraph(Message): """Intent graph from training. .. admonition:: MQTT message Topic ``rhasspy/train/intentGraph`` Payload (binary) gzipped pickle bytes containing a NetworkX_ intent graph .. _NetworkX: Subscribe to this message type with ``mosquitto_sub`` and show the binary payload as hexadecimal numbers: .. code-block:: shell mosquitto_sub -h <HOSTNAME> -t 'rhasspy/train/intentGraph' -F %x Note ---- This is a Rhasspy-only message.""" TOPIC_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^rhasspy/train/intentGraph/([^/]+)$") graph_bytes: bytes """Gzipped pickle bytes containing a NetworkX intent graph"""
[docs] def payload(self) -> bytes: """Get the binary payload for this message. Returns ------- bytes The binary payload as gzipped pickle bytes containing a NetworkX intent graph. """ return self.graph_bytes
[docs] @classmethod def is_binary_payload(cls) -> bool: """Check for binary payload of message. Returns ------- bool ``True`` """ return True
[docs] @classmethod def topic(cls, **kwargs) -> str: """Get MQTT topic for this message type. Arguments --------- request_id: str Unique id for request. Supplied in request topic (:class:`IntentGraphRequest`) Returns ------- str ``"rhasspy/train/intentGraph/{request_id}"`` Example ------- >>> from rhasspyhermes.train import IntentGraph >>> IntentGraph.topic(request_id="abcd") 'rhasspy/train/intentGraph/abcd' """ request_id = kwargs.get("request_id", "#") return f"rhasspy/train/intentGraph/{request_id}"
[docs] @classmethod def is_topic(cls, topic: str) -> bool: """Check whether topic is for this message type. Arguments --------- topic message topic Returns ------- bool ``True`` if topic is for this message type Example ------- >>> from rhasspyhermes.train import IntentGraph >>> IntentGraph.is_topic("rhasspy/train/intentGraph/abcd") True """ return re.match(IntentGraph.TOPIC_PATTERN, topic) is not None