Source code for rhasspyhermes.wake

"""Messages for wake word detection."""
import re
import typing
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum

from dataclasses_json import LetterCase, dataclass_json

from .base import Message

[docs]class HotwordToggleReason(str, Enum): """Reason for hotword toggle on/off.""" UNKNOWN = "" """Overrides all other reasons.""" DIALOGUE_SESSION = "dialogueSession" """Dialogue session is active.""" PLAY_AUDIO = "playAudio" """Audio is currently playing.""" TTS_SAY = "ttsSay" """Text to speech system is currently speaking."""
[docs]@dataclass class HotwordToggleOn(Message): """Activate the wake word component, so pronouncing a wake word will trigger a :class:`HotwordDetected` message. .. admonition:: MQTT message Topic ``hermes/hotword/toggleOn`` Payload (JSON) .. list-table:: :widths: 10 10 80 :header-rows: 1 * - Key - Type - Description * - siteId - String - The id of the site where the wake word component should be enabled. * - reason - String - The reason for enabling the wake word component. Publish this message type with ``mosquitto_pub``: .. code-block:: shell mosquitto_pub -h <HOSTNAME> -t 'hermes/hotword/toggleOn' -m '{"siteId": "default", "reason": "dialogueSession"}' """ site_id: str = "default" """The id of the site where the wake word component should be enabled.""" # ------------ # Rhasspy only # ------------ reason: HotwordToggleReason = HotwordToggleReason.UNKNOWN """The reason for enabling the wake word component. Note ---- This is a Rhasspy-only attribute. """
[docs] @classmethod def topic(cls, **kwargs) -> str: """Get MQTT topic for this message type. Returns ------- str ``"hermes/hotword/toggleOn"`` """ return "hermes/hotword/toggleOn"
[docs]@dataclass class HotwordToggleOff(Message): """Deactivate the wake word component, so pronouncing a wake word won't trigger a :class:`HotwordDetected` message. .. admonition:: MQTT message Topic ``hermes/hotword/toggleOff`` Payload (JSON) .. list-table:: :widths: 10 10 80 :header-rows: 1 * - Key - Type - Description * - siteId - String - The id of the site where the wake word component should be disabled. * - reason - String - The reason for disabling the wake word component. Publish this message type with ``mosquitto_pub``: .. code-block:: shell mosquitto_pub -h <HOSTNAME> -t 'hermes/hotword/toggleOff' -m '{"siteId": "default", "reason": "dialogueSession"}' """ site_id: str = "default" """The id of the site where the wake word component should be disabled.""" # ------------ # Rhasspy only # ------------ reason: HotwordToggleReason = HotwordToggleReason.UNKNOWN """The reason for disabling the wake word component. Note ---- This is a Rhasspy-only attribute. """
[docs] @classmethod def topic(cls, **kwargs) -> str: """Get MQTT topic for this message type. Returns ------- str ``"hermes/hotword/toggleOff"`` """ return "hermes/hotword/toggleOff"
[docs]@dataclass class HotwordDetected(Message): """Message sent by the wake word component when it has detected a specific wake word. .. admonition:: MQTT message Topic ``hermes/hotword/<WAKEWORD_ID>/detected`` Payload (JSON) .. list-table:: :widths: 10 10 80 :header-rows: 1 * - Key - Type - Description * - modelId - String - The id of the model that triggered the wake word. * - modelVersion - String - The version of the model. * - modelType - String - The type of the model. Possible values are ``"universal"`` and ``"personal"``. * - currentSensitivity - Float - The sensitivity configured in the model at the time of the detection. * - siteId - String - The id of the site where the wake word component should be disabled. * - sessionId - String (optional) - The id of the dialogue session created after detection. * - send_audio_captured - Boolean (optional) - ``True`` if audio captured from the ASR should be emitted on ``rhasspy/asr/{site_id}/{session_id}/audioCaptured``. * - lang - String (optional) - Language of the detected wake word. Copied by the dialogue manager into subsequent ASR and NLU messages. Subscribe to this message type with ``mosquitto_sub``: .. code-block:: shell mosquitto_sub -h <HOSTNAME> -v -t 'hermes/hotword/default/detected' """ TOPIC_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^hermes/hotword/([^/]+)/detected$") model_id: str """The id of the model that triggered the wake word.""" model_version: str = "" """The version of the model.""" model_type: str = "personal" """The type of the model. Possible values are ``"universal"`` and ``"personal"``.""" current_sensitivity: float = 1.0 """The sensitivity configured in the model at the time of the detection.""" site_id: str = "default" """The id of the site where the wake word was detected.""" # ------------ # Rhasspy only # ------------ session_id: typing.Optional[str] = None """The desired id of the dialogue session created after detection. Leave empty to have one auto-generated. Note ---- This is a Rhasspy-only attribute. """ send_audio_captured: typing.Optional[bool] = None """``True`` if audio captured from the ASR should be emitted on ``rhasspy/asr/{site_id}/{session_id}/audioCaptured``. Note ---- This is a Rhasspy-only attribute. """ lang: typing.Optional[str] = None """Language of the detected wake word. Copied by the dialogue manager into subsequent ASR and NLU messages. Note ---- This is a Rhasspy-only attribute. """ custom_entities: typing.Optional[typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]] = None """User-defined entities to be set in the recognized intent. Copied by the dialogue manager into subsequent ASR and NLU messages. Note ---- This is a Rhasspy-only attribute. """
[docs] @classmethod def topic(cls, **kwargs) -> str: """Get MQTT topic for this message type. Arguments --------- wakeword_id: str The id of the wake word. Returns ------- str MQTT topic for this message type with the given wake word id. Example ------- >>> from rhasspyhermes.wake import HotwordDetected >>> HotwordDetected.topic(wakeword_id="example-02.wav") 'hermes/hotword/example-02.wav/detected' """ wakeword_id = kwargs.get("wakeword_id", "+") return f"hermes/hotword/{wakeword_id}/detected"
[docs] @classmethod def get_wakeword_id(cls, topic: str) -> str: """Get wakeword id from MQTT topic. Arguments --------- topic MQTT topic. Returns ------- str Wake word ID extracted from the MQTT topic. Example ------- >>> from rhasspyhermes.wake import HotwordDetected >>> HotwordDetected.get_wakeword_id("hermes/hotword/example-02.wav/detected") 'example-02.wav' """ match = re.match(HotwordDetected.TOPIC_PATTERN, topic) assert match, "Not a detected topic" return
[docs] @classmethod def is_topic(cls, topic: str) -> bool: """True if topic matches template.""" return re.match(HotwordDetected.TOPIC_PATTERN, topic) is not None
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Rhasspy Only Messages # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]@dataclass class HotwordError(Message): """Error from wake word component. .. admonition:: MQTT message Topic ``hermes/error/hotword`` Payload (JSON) .. list-table:: :widths: 10 10 80 :header-rows: 1 * - Key - Type - Description * - error - String - A description of the error that occurred. * - siteId - String - The id of the site where the error occurred. * - context - String (optional) - Additional information on the context in which the error occurred. * - sessionId - String (optional) - The id of the session, if there is an active session. Subscribe to this message type with ``mosquitto_sub``: .. code-block:: shell mosquitto_sub -h <HOSTNAME> -v -t 'hermes/error/hotword' Note ---- This is a Rhasspy-only message. """ error: str """A description of the error that occurred.""" site_id: str = "default" """The id of the site where the error occurred.""" context: typing.Optional[str] = None """Additional information on the context in which the error occurred.""" session_id: typing.Optional[str] = None """The id of the session, if there is an active session."""
[docs] @classmethod def topic(cls, **kwargs) -> str: """Get MQTT topic for this message type. Returns ------- str ``"hermes/error/hotword"`` """ return "hermes/error/hotword"
[docs]@dataclass class GetHotwords(Message): """Request to list available hotwords. The wake word component responds with a :class:`Hotwords` message. .. admonition:: MQTT message Topic ``rhasspy/hotword/getHotwords`` Payload (JSON) .. list-table:: :widths: 10 10 80 :header-rows: 1 * - Key - Type - Description * - siteId - String - The id of the site where the wake word component exists. * - id - String (optional) - Unique id passed to the response in the :class:`Hotwords` message. Publish this message type with ``mosquitto_pub``: .. code-block:: shell mosquitto_pub -h <HOSTNAME> -t 'rhasspy/hotword/getHotwords' -m '{"siteId": "default", "id": "foobar"}' Note ---- This is a Rhasspy-only message. """ site_id: str = "default" """The id of the site where the wake word component exists.""" id: typing.Optional[str] = None """Unique id passed to the response in the :class:`Hotwords` message."""
[docs] @classmethod def topic(cls, **kwargs) -> str: """Get MQTT topic for this message type. Returns ------- str ``"rhasspy/hotword/getHotwords"`` """ return "rhasspy/hotword/getHotwords"
[docs]@dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL) @dataclass class Hotword: """Description of a single hotword.""" model_id: str """Unique ID of hotword model.""" model_words: str """Actual words used to activate hotword.""" model_version: str = "" """Model version.""" model_type: str = "personal" """Model type (personal, unversal)."""
[docs]@dataclass class Hotwords(Message): """The list of available hotwords. The wake word component sends this message in response to a request in a :class:`GetHotwords` message. .. admonition:: MQTT message Topic ``rhasspy/hotword/hotwords`` Payload (JSON) .. list-table:: :widths: 10 10 80 :header-rows: 1 * - Key - Type - Description * - models - List of JSON objects - The list of available hotwords. * - siteId - String - The id of the site where hotwords were requested. * - id - String (optional) - Unique id passed from the request in the :class:`GetHotwords` message. Subscribe to this message type with ``mosquitto_sub``: .. code-block:: shell mosquitto_sub -h <HOSTNAME> -v -t 'rhasspy/hotword/hotwords' Note ---- This is a Rhasspy-only message. """ models: typing.List[Hotword] """The list of available hotwords.""" site_id: str = "default" """The id of the site where hotwords were requested.""" id: typing.Optional[str] = None """Unique id passed from the request in the :class:`GetHotwords` message."""
[docs] @classmethod def topic(cls, **kwargs) -> str: """Get MQTT topic for this message type. Returns ------- str ``"rhasspy/hotword/hotwords"`` """ return "rhasspy/hotword/hotwords"
[docs]@dataclass class RecordHotwordExample(Message): """Request to record examples of a hotword. The wake word component responds with a :class:`HotwordExampleRecorded` message. .. admonition:: MQTT message Topic ``rhasspy/hotword/recordExample`` Payload (JSON) .. list-table:: :widths: 10 10 80 :header-rows: 1 * - Key - Type - Description * - id - String - Unique id used in the response message (:class:`HotwordExampleRecorded`). * - siteId - String - The id of the site where the wake word component exists. Publish this message type with ``mosquitto_pub``: .. code-block:: shell mosquitto_pub -h <HOSTNAME> -t 'rhasspy/hotword/recordExample' -m '{"siteId": "default", "id": "foobar"}' Note ---- This is a Rhasspy-only message. """ id: str """Unique id used in the response message (:class:`HotwordExampleRecorded`).""" site_id: str = "default" """The id of the site where the wake word component exists."""
[docs] @classmethod def topic(cls, **kwargs) -> str: """Get MQTT topic for this message type. Returns ------- str ``"rhasspy/hotword/recordExample"`` """ return "rhasspy/hotword/recordExample"
[docs]@dataclass class HotwordExampleRecorded(Message): """Response when a hotword example has been recorded. Sent by the wake word component in response to a :class:`RecordHotwordExample` message. .. admonition:: MQTT message Topic ``rhasspy/hotword/<SITE_ID>/exampleRecorded/<REQUEST_ID>`` Payload (binary) Audio from the recorded sample in WAV format. Subscribe to this message type with ``mosquitto_sub`` and show the binary payload as hexadecimal numbers: .. code-block:: shell mosquitto_sub -h <HOSTNAME> -t 'rhasspy/hotword/<SITE_ID>/exampleRecorded/<REQUEST_ID>' -F %x Note ---- This is a Rhasspy-only message. """ TOPIC_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^rhasspy/hotword/([^/]+)/exampleRecorded/([^/]+)$") wav_bytes: bytes """Audio from recorded sample in WAV format."""
[docs] def payload(self) -> typing.Union[str, bytes]: """Get binary/string for this message.""" return self.wav_bytes
[docs] @classmethod def is_binary_payload(cls) -> bool: """True if payload is not JSON. Returns ------- bool ``True`` """ return True
[docs] @classmethod def is_site_in_topic(cls) -> bool: """True if site id is in topic. Returns ------- bool ``True`` """ return True
[docs] @classmethod def topic(cls, **kwargs) -> str: """Get MQTT topic for this message type. Arguments --------- site_id: str The id of the site where the wake word component exists. request_id: str Unique id of the request message. Returns ------- str MQTT topic for this message type with the given site id and request id. Example ------- >>> from rhasspyhermes.wake import HotwordExampleRecorded >>> HotwordExampleRecorded.topic(site_id="default", request_id="foobar") 'rhasspy/hotword/default/exampleRecorded/foobar' """ site_id = kwargs.get("site_id", "+") request_id = kwargs.get("request_id", "#") return f"rhasspy/hotword/{site_id}/exampleRecorded/{request_id}"
[docs] @classmethod def get_site_id(cls, topic: str) -> typing.Optional[str]: """Get site id from MQTT topic. Arguments --------- topic MQTT topic. Returns ------- str Site ID extracted from the MQTT topic. Example ------- >>> from rhasspyhermes.wake import HotwordExampleRecorded >>> HotwordExampleRecorded.get_site_id("rhasspy/hotword/default/exampleRecorded/foobar") 'default' """ match = re.match(HotwordExampleRecorded.TOPIC_PATTERN, topic) assert match, "Not an exampleRecorded topic" return
[docs] @classmethod def get_request_id(cls, topic: str) -> str: """Get request id from MQTT topic. Arguments --------- topic MQTT topic. Returns ------- str Request ID extracted from the MQTT topic. Example ------- >>> from rhasspyhermes.wake import HotwordExampleRecorded >>> HotwordExampleRecorded.get_request_id("rhasspy/hotword/default/exampleRecorded/foobar") 'foobar' """ match = re.match(HotwordExampleRecorded.TOPIC_PATTERN, topic) assert match, "Not an exampleRecorded topic" return
[docs] @classmethod def is_topic(cls, topic: str) -> bool: """True if topic matches template""" return re.match(HotwordExampleRecorded.TOPIC_PATTERN, topic) is not None